In Aesthetic Surgery

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    In men, liposuction (fat removal) surgery is usually preferred in the abdomen, back, and waist areas. Although less common, fat removal from the arms and legs is also desired. Remember that liposuction is not a weight loss operation. Weight loss may occur due to fat removal, but this is not our primary goal.

    This operation can be combined with Six Packs, penis enlargement, and liposuction.

    Nose Aesthetics

    It is important to maintain a masculine appearance when performing rhinoplasty on men. While correcting the nasal arch, reducing the nose, or lifting the tip of the nose, care should be taken to maintain the patient’s facial proportions and masculine form. Otherwise, if the angles are kept wide, a feminine appearance will be created.

    The technique to be used in the operation is decided after the examination.


    Nose Aesthetics

    It is important to maintain a masculine appearance when performing rhinoplasty on men. While correcting the nasal arch, reducing the nose, or lifting the tip of the nose, care should be taken to maintain the patient’s facial proportions and masculine form. Otherwise, if the angles are kept wide, a feminine appearance will be created.

    The technique to be used in the operation is decided after the examination.



    Gynecomastia is a breast reduction surgery in men. There are generally three reasons for breast enlargement and fat accumulation in men:

    1. Hormonal reasons
    2. Heavy exercise for chest muscles and then stopping
    3. Unconscious use of testosterone

    This operation can be combined with penis enlargement, liposuction, and six packs surgeries.

    Six Packs Surgery

    Another popular surgery among men is Six Pack surgery. This surgery provides the appearance of six packs in the abdominal area. Different sizes of six packs can be designed according to physical features. Depending on the person’s preferences and the capabilities of their abdominal area, deeper and larger six packs can be created. For those who do not want an excessively muscular appearance but want a tight and active abdomen, a fit-pack operation can also be performed.

    This operation can be combined with penis enlargement, gynecomastia, and liposuction.


    Six Packs Surgery

    Another popular surgery among men is Six Pack surgery. This surgery provides the appearance of six packs in the abdominal area. Different sizes of six packs can be designed according to physical features. Depending on the person’s preferences and the capabilities of their abdominal area, deeper and larger six packs can be created. For those who do not want an excessively muscular appearance but want a tight and active abdomen, a fit-pack operation can also be performed.

    This operation can be combined with penis enlargement, gynecomastia, and liposuction.


    Penis Enlargement

    Penis enlargement is one of the most preferred operations by men. Both lengthening and thickening procedures can be performed during the same operation. Alternatively, one of these procedures can be performed based on preference. Penis enlargement surgery generally provides a 3-4 cm increase in length. However, when buried penis surgery is applied, this length increase can double. Additionally, if there is a penile curvature, it can be corrected during the operation.

    It is a completely natural, anatomically compatible, and patient-friendly operation. This operation can be combined with liposuction, six packs, and gynecomastia.

    Combined Male Body Surgery: Liposuction and Penis Enlargement

    For those who want to undergo multiple operations, combined aesthetics can be performed. The most preferred combination is liposuction and penis enlargement. Liposuction is frequently preferred in the abdomen, waist, and back areas. The fat taken from these areas can also be used in penis enlargement surgery. In this way, our patients achieve the body they desire and their penis thickness increases thanks to their own fat.

    Ekran Resmi 2024-05-29 15.15.32
    Ekran Resmi 2024-05-29 15.15.32

    Combined Male Body Surgery: Liposuction and Penis Enlargement

    For those who want to undergo multiple operations, combined aesthetics can be performed. The most preferred combination is liposuction and penis enlargement. Liposuction is frequently preferred in the abdomen, waist, and back areas. The fat taken from these areas can also be used in penis enlargement surgery. In this way, our patients achieve the body they desire and their penis thickness increases thanks to their own fat.

    Comments from You

    Efe Çelik
    About 6 months ago, I underwent an operation with our Professor Tayfun. During this 6-month period, his follow-up and interest were incredible. When I went for my last examination, he himself said that a revision was necessary. He is one of the top doctors who do their job properly. Today I had a revision surgery, which was very successful. I thank him very much from here.
    Kaya Yıldırım
    Hello. Recently, I had a rhinoplasty along with a few other aesthetic procedures. After my first consultation with Mr. Tayfun, I decided to have the surgery a week later. I am very pleased because my nose has a completely natural appearance :) During my recovery and dressing process, I remained in constant contact with them, which allowed for a quick recovery. I am very happy with my new appearance now. I thank Mr. Tayfun very much. I wish him continued success.
    Yıldız Erdoğan
    We crossed paths with Professor Tayfun and his team last year. I had sagging in my abdomen and arms due to weight gain and loss throughout childhood. We immediately set a surgery date at the first appointment because all my questions were clarified. Professor Tayfun and his team are so wonderful that they literally spread happiness and health. Their hands are so magical that other patients in the hospital came to my room just to look at me while other doctors’ patients were crying. As for the result, it is beyond wonderful. ❤️
    Sezer Aktaş
    First of all, thank you very much for your approach to the patient. I had gynecomastia and liposuction procedures and I am very satisfied with my result. I wanted to express my gratitude once again, thank you very much, doctor.
    Agit Akis
    Hello doctor, it has been exactly one year since my tummy tuck surgery and I am very happy and satisfied. Thank you very much, endless thanks to your team and you.
    First of all, the energy and sense of trust you provided ensured my confidence without any questioning. It made me very happy to see that I was not mistaken after the surgery. I have a more beautiful nose in terms of aesthetics and I can breathe fully. I am grateful for everything, respects…

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