Gynecomastia Surgery in Turkey

Gynecomastia is a common condition in men and young teenagers where their breasts swell and become abnormally large due to a sex hormone imbalance.

These enlarged breasts are most common in new-born baby boys, teenage boys, and older men as a result of their bodies producing more estrogen than they should be compared to testosterone, and this causes their breast tissue to grow more. Another factor is gaining Weight which can also increase estrogen levels and excess fat. Elements such as  Medications, drugs, alcohol, and other health conditions may also cause gynecomastia.

Also known as male breasts, man boobs or moobs, this condition can make a man feel unmanly and self-conscious about their appearance.

Why get the gynecomastia surgery in Turkey? 

Male breast reduction surgery is a simple and less invasive procedure that provides perfect operational outcomes. However, gynecomastia abroad requires a precise work and diagnosis by the plastic surgeon as in every other cosmetic surgery operation. 

After all, gynecomastia results depend highly on the operating surgeon’s experience and knowledge. Thanks to the country’s well-educated surgeons and technologies, male breast reduction in Turkey is a great opportunity for men with enlarged breasts. As the country also offers an affordable male breast reduction cost, it allows patients to enjoy the best of their treatments.

  • Turkey factor in Medical Tourism 

Turkey, as a location, is just a few hours’ flights away from most European countries and the middle east. It would not be wrong to say that Turkey is advanced at least as much as Europe in the field of health. The most important indicator is that many people come to Turkey due to health-related issues every year and they get their operations done here successfully. People from many countries around the world, especially Europe, benefit from different health treatments here and return to their own countries.

The serious support given to health tourism by the State makes this field more and more developed every day. It is also known that the number of patients who come here for Gynaecomastia is quite high. Istanbul, Turkey’s most important city without a doubt, is the first choice in the country. The high-quality clinics located here easily meet the expectations.

  • Quality of Doctors and equipment. 

Gynecomastia is among the aesthetic procedures. This procedure is a special field and only physicians who are experts in this field can perform it. The fact that Istanbul is commonly preferred in health services has increased the number of qualified doctors and clinics here. The best quality doctors of the country serve in this city and meet the expectations of the people at the highest level. This factor also plays an important role in people’s preference for Istanbul for eyelid surgery. 

Besides the doctors’ quality, it is known that the medical equipment used is highly developed and of high quality. Technological devices are used effectively in this field. Thus, the success rate in eyelid and other procedures has increased significantly.

  • High-Quality service and affordable cost. 

It is known that the health services provided in Istanbul are of high quality. This quality can only be found in a limited number of locations around the world. But it is almost impossible to find such high-quality at an affordable price as you can in Istanbul.

The amount to be paid to clinics here with even higher quality than many well-known clinics in Europe and America is extremely reasonable. People can have the gynecomastia surgery in Istanbul by paying almost a third of the amount to be paid in Europe. poor quality products and techniques are not used to reduce costs. The wages of doctors and clinics being much more affordable in Turkey compared to Europe and the exchange rate advantage are the main reasons for these relevant costs.

  • You Don’t Await Your Turn for a Gynecomastia Procedure in Istanbul

The number of clinics providing high-quality services in the USA or European countries is limited. This causes patients to flood into high-quality clinics. As a result of all of these, it may be expected to wait for a few weeks for eyelid or another similar procedure. But Istanbul provides you with great convenience in this regard. Being developed in the field of medicine in general, Turkey has raised a large number of high-quality physicians. This means that many high-quality clinics are available in Istanbul.

You do not need to wait in line due to the high number of clinics and doctors providing high-quality services in Istanbul. If you decide to have the gynecomastia surgery in Istanbul after the online consultation, planning is done very quickly. You will have gynecomastia surgery as soon as possible and you will have the opportunity to return to your country.

  • Zero additional cost 

When you undergo gynecomastia surgery in Europe, there are a number of additional costs that you have to pay. You may need to pay extra for transactions such as accommodation, transfers, transportation, and consultation. In Turkey, all of these are included in the given price. In other words, you will not be asked for any additional expenses in Istanbul, except for the amount you pay for the gynecomastia surgery itself. You benefit from services such as transportation, accommodation, and transfers completely free of charge.

  • Istanbul factor 

Istanbul is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. This city, where Asia and Europe meet, is very rich in natural beauty. The fact that it has been the capital of different states throughout history has increased the number of historical buildings here. A significant part of these has survived to the present day. Finally, here you can see many different cultures together and get to know them closely. Considering all these, spending time in Istanbul and having a small holiday here will make important contributions to your life.

While you are in Istanbul for your gynecomastia surgery, you can also see these beauties more closely. In this way, you will receive health services and have the opportunity to have a nice holiday. Thus, you can make this process much more enjoyable for yourself by having a gynecomastia operation in Istanbul. 

Types of Gynecomastia surgery in Turkey 

Male breast reduction is a goal-oriented procedure. The doctor will determine their surgical techniques based on several factors:

  • How much tissue needs to be removed
  • Whether that tissue is mostly fat, mostly glandular tissue or a combination of the two
  • Whether you have sagging skin that needs to be addressed
  • What will best achieve your goals and a natural-looking result

Liposuction for male breast reduction 

In many cases, excess tissue can be removed using liposuction only. The doctor will use this procedure if:

  • Enlarged breasts are due mainly to excess fat
  • You have good skin contraction
  • A small to moderate amount of tissue needs to be removed.

Liposuction involved one or two tiny incisions, typically located in the armpit area. The doctor will insert a thin cannula to remove the excess fat and shape a masculine contour to the chest.

Direct tissue excision

Patients who have excess glandular tissue typically require direct tissue excision. The doctor varies incision patterns depending on how much tissue and/or skin needs to be removed. Whenever possible, the doctor will place incisions in less conspicuous locations, such as along the outer edge of the areola.

A periareolar incision is used for mild to moderate tissue excision and produces excellent results in patients with good skin contraction.

Patients with a mild to moderate amount of lax skin may benefit from a vertical incision, which allows the doctor to remove excess, sagging skin.

Men with very large, sagging breast tissue may require an extended incision to allow the doctor to flatten the chest, remove excess skin, and lift the nipple-areola into a more natural position. This procedure type is more common with massive weight loss patients.

Combining liposuction with tissue excision

Combining liposuction and tissue excision can help the doctor sculpt a more masculine chest shape after removing excess fat, skin, and glandular tissue. If this option is appropriate, the doctor will discuss this strategy with you prior to surgery.

Recovery Time for Gynecomastia 

  • It can take several weeks to fully recover from breast reduction surgery. You may need to take a few days off work. You may have sore, swollen, and bruised breasts for a few weeks.
  • You’ll need to wear an elasticated compression garment day and night for 1 to 2 weeks after the operation. This helps support your chest while it heals.
  • How long you need to keep the dressings on will depend on how quickly your wounds heal. After 1 to 2 weeks, your stitches will either dissolve or be removed.
  • Avoid stretching, strenuous exercise, and heavy lifting for about 3 weeks after the operation. It will take about 6 weeks until you can return fully to your normal activities.
  • And You can start driving again when it’s no longer painful to wear a seatbelt, which may be several weeks after the operation.

In general, It can take up to 6 months to see the full results of your surgery.

Gynecomastia recovery process

Gynecomastia or male breast overgrowth is a syndrome affecting more men than people know. During puberty, gynecomastia is normal because of hormone effects, and Treatment is usually not required at this stage of life, as breast completion normally resolves spontaneously after one or two years. 

However, if a Gynomasticity appears to be lifelong then may lead to serious self-esteem and confidence problems. In these situations, the only way to redeem the problem is usually to have the Gynecomastia procedure. 

The Recovery Process :

Typically, the Gynecomastia recovery period takes around 1-2 weeks. Patients would want to take it easy during this period and must avoid strenuous exercise to promote recovery and avoid complications.

A compression vest will be worn during the first few weeks to help the skin retract and avoid fluid retention from occurring. During this time, considerable swelling and some bruising are expected, and any pain can be managed by prescription medication.

Patients can resume daily activities within the first one or two weeks, such as returning to work and light exercise, but each surgeon will give instructions according to the particular case of each patient. Bruising and swelling can progressively resolve until it is possible to see final results during the months following surgery. 

Procedure outcomes should be evident 6 months after surgery. 

Here a Few things to consider after the procedure: 

  • Do not stretch your arms or lift heavy stuff for 4 weeks, at least after the operation. 
  • Regularly use the medications prescribed, 
  • After one month of the procedure, you can do light sports such as walking, avoid heavy 

sports for two months,

  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol for at least a month after the surgery, 
  • For 15 days, do not sleep on your chest, 
  • Wear the doctor’s medical corset for the prescribed duration. 

Gynecomastia is an easy and safe procedure, and you can get the esthetic look simply by following the instructions of your doctor. 

Before and After Photos

You can visit my instagram page for before and after photos or just get in touch via Whatsapp to get more photos and information.

Cost of Gynecomastia in Turkey

plastic surgery in istanbul, turkey

plastic surgery in istanbul, turkey

In the United Kingdom and Europe, Gynecomastia prices are between £3500 and £5500. However, this only covers the surgery itself as consultation and aftercare are extra expenses.

Cost of gynecomastia surgery ( male breast reduction ) in turkey is around €1500- €2000

The gap between the prices of Turkey and Europe is caused by the difference in labor cost and operational fees. In Turkey, the labor cost of the surgeon and the medical team is lower than it is in European countries, so are the operational fees which cover the hospital-related expenses. This difference leads to a great advantage for doctors to perform more operations and gain more experience. With their experience in a variety of cases from all around the world. 


Why is Gynecomastia Surgery Operation Cheap in Turkey?

Turkey is the world leader in the health sector in many respects. A large number of people all over the world come to Turkey for different cosmetic surgeries. The fact that Turkey is preferred this much, provides that constantly new investments are done in health sector. This reduces costs and makes surgeries such as gynecomastia surgery cheaper. Other health services in Turkey is also quite cheap. You can come to Turkey for the cheapest gynecomastia surgery.

How to Choose Gynecomastia Surgery Surgeon in Turkey?

Many of the Turkish surgeons are recognized not only in Turkey but also in many different countries. With the development of technology, information about doctors in different countries can be obtained very quickly. If you want to choose the best gynecomastia surgeon in Turkey, you can easily research on the internet for this. You can examine the hospitals where surgeons work and make an appointment quickly. You can also get advice from people who have had gynecomastia surgery before.

Where Is It Performed in Turkey?

Turkey's three most developed city of Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, are the best alternative for gynecomastia surgery. In addition, gynecomastia surgery operations are performed in many hospitals in Antalya.


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